Agarose SERVA Low Meltingresearch grade

CAS [9012-36-6]

Agarose SERVA Low Melting is a high-purity agarose for separaration of DNA/RNA fragments >500 bp.
The low melting/gelling temperature and gel strength make the agarose ideal for highly efficient recovery of DNA fragments or proteins after electrophoretic resolution, for in-gel manipulations (restriction analysis, ligation reactions etc.) and for immobilising microorganisms, virus-plaque-assays, and cell culture applications.
Agarose SERVA Low Melting forms gels of high clarity and selectivity even at higher agarose concentrations. The low binding to staining reagents, both for ethidium bromide and fluorescent dyes such as SERVA DNA Stain Clear G (Cat. No. 39804), results in very low background staining.

Gelling temperature (1.5 %)
Gel strength (1.5 %)
Electro endosmosis (EEO)
max. 31 °C
> 200 g/cm2
0.05 - 0.14

EINECS: 232-731-8WGK: 1HS: 39139000
Storage Temperature: +15 °C to +30 °C

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