Xpress PVDF Blotting Kitfor Western Blotting

Kit for fast Semi-Dry Western Blotting of 10 vertical mini SDS PAGE gels on PVDF membrane.
SERVA Xpress Blotting Buffer is a ready-to-use buffer reagent for the fast and efficient semi-dry transfer of high and low molecular weight proteins in only 15 min. The use of SERVA's newly developed Blotting Fleece instead of blotting paper allows an efficient, undisturbed transfer in a short time. The pre-cut PVDF membrane sheets with the pore size of 0.2 µm show high protein binding and low background.

250 ml 10x SERVA Xpress Blotting Buffer

20x Blotting Fleece sheets (size 80 x 85 mm)
10x Connection Paper (size 80 x 85 mm)

10x PVDF membrane sheets, pore size 0.2 µm (size 80 x 85 mm)

HS: 38229000
Storage Temperature: +15 °C to +30 °C

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