SERVA Cinema



Unpacking SERVA Trypsins for Mass Spec. What you see is what you get.

SERVA Cinema: HPE BlueHorizon - Isoelectric Focusing on SERVA FocusGel

This video shows the complete workflow of an isoelectric focusing on the SERVA HPE BlueHorizon using a precast SERVA FocusGel

SERVA Cinema: The future is PRiME

This video shows the complete workflow of a SDS-PAGE using the SERVA BlueVertical PRiME chamber and SERVAGel TG PRiME precast gels. More information:

SERVA Cinema: HPE Tower - 2D Electrophoresis on HPE 2D Large Gel

This video shows the complete workflow of the 2nd dimension in 2D electrophoresis (SDS PAGE) using the HPE Tower System. Focused proteins on a SERVA IPG BlueStrip (1st dimension) are separated on a precast HPE 2D Large Gel according to their mass.



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