Real-Time PCR / qPCR
The products for Real-Time PCR/qPCR are divided into the following subcategories:
- qPCR Master Mixes
- One-Step RT-qPCR Kits
- One-Step RT-qPCR Master Mixes
- qPCR Components
If you have any questions about the products, please feel free to contact us at Since not all products are listed on our website yet, you can also send order inquiries to or directly to
For more information and additional products, visit NZYTech’s website. We offer the same product prices and deliver directly from Germany!
qPCR Master Mixes
NZYtech has developed and optimized two of the most widely used real-time fluorescent PCR chemistries: the probe-detection technology (Probe Mixes) and the intercalating green dye chemistry (Green Mixes). NZYSupreme mixes are ultra-sensitive mixes developed with a dual hot-start mode. NZYSpeedy mixes present a higher performance for the faster real-time PCR protocols. Passive reference dye based on ROX™ dye is used to normalize the fluorescent reporter signal in real-time PCR. NZYtech provides highly optimized mixes that are compatible with different thermocyclers available on the market. NZYtech recently increased its portolio of real-time qPCR products by introducing lyophilized master mixes, which are very stable formulations that allow an eco-friendly and cost-effective room temperature shipment.
Choose the mix with the reference dye that is most appropriate for your instrument with the help of the qPCR Selection Guide below.
Green Master Mixes
Probe Master Mixes
One-Step RT-qPCR Kits
NZYtech provides One-step real-time PCR kits designed to directly amplify RNA samples on your real-time PCR instrument. These kits were developed to enable cDNA synthesis from input RNA followed by PCR amplification of the cDNA in the same reaction well, with no extra hands-on requirement or further reagent addition. This not only reduces the number of sample manipulations but also saves time. One-step kits are available for Probe and Green detection. Choose the One-step real-time PCR kit that most suits your experiment and that is most appropriate for your instrument through the analysis of the qPCR Selection Guide.
One-Step NZYSpeedy RT-qPCR Green Kits - FAST
One-Step NZYSpeedy RT-qqPCR Probe Kits - Fast
One Step RT-qPCR Probe Master Mixes
NZYtech provides One-step real-time qPCR master mixes containing all required components (except primers/probe and template) to perform reverse transcription and qPCR amplification in a single-step. This offers great convenience and minimizes the risk of errors and contaminations. These master mixes were engineered with a dual hot-start enzyme control mechanism to provide the highest detection sensitivity. In addition, the latest developments in PCR enhancers were introduced. Lyophilized versions are also available as very stable room temperature options.