Ionic Detergents

Ionic detergents contain a head group which is either positively or negatively charged.

For example, the anionic detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) carries a negatively charged sulfate group on a linear C12 hydrocarbon chain. SDS is considered as a very strong and biologically harsh surfactant. It is able to denature proteins by breaking intra- and intermolecular interactions and thus destroying their biological activity. Other anionic detergents like the bile acid salts Na-cholate and Na-deoxycholate have a rigid steroidal core structure. They do not carry a well defined polar head group opposite to a hydrophobic tail (such as SDS). The polar groups are distributed on different parts of the molecule, resulting in a polar and non-polar side, e.g. Na-deoxycholate carries a carboxylate group at the end of a short hydrocarbon chain and two hydroxyl groups on the steroid structure. The bile acids are less denaturing than the ionic alkyl detergents, possibly due to their rigid steroidal ring structure.

Cationic detergents have a positively charged head group, which is often a quaternary ammonium group, e.g. CTAB carries a trimethylammonium group on a C16 hydrocarbon chain. It is also a strong detergent and will often irreversibly denature proteins.

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NZYtech Catalog 2025

In detail you will find all products of NZYtech in 2025:

New Supreme NZY Reverse Transcriptase 1 kU/µL
Quality products for the life science research
Diverese portfolio for moleculare biology
Everything for DNA & RNA purification, Real Time and End-Point PCR and much more
Various enzymes for Glycobiology
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Electrophoresis by SERVA - Catalog

• Isoelectric Focusing


• 2D Electrophoresis

• Native Electrophoresis

• Western Blotting

• Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis

• Equipment

SERVA Electrophoresis Catalog (PDF)
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How to find the required certificate of analysis for your product:
In the search, enter the 5-digit article number without additional packaging, i.e. 11404 if you are looking for the AZ for your 500 g-Pack Agarose 11404.02.
Now click on the search result and you will be taken to the product entry. Here you will find the link "Certificate of Analysis", which you follow.
Now select the lot number from the list and download the PDF with a click. Done.

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