Proteome Standards

SERVA offers the unique set of Proteome Markers containing 8 proteins qualified for 2D gel electrophoresis and application in liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. Proteins ranging from 11.7 to 77 kDa and spanning the entire pI range are supplied in equimolar amounts. The Proteome Markers are characterized carefully by 2D electrophoresis and also by LC/MS: identity of each protein is verified by protein sequence analysis.

The SERVA Proteome Markers provide a unique and useful tool to calibrate 2D gels, to serve as internal LC/MS standard or to be added to protein samples.

SERVA Proteome Markers are developed in collaboration with the German Society of Proteome Research (DGPF). 

Meyer H., in 10. Arbeitstagung Mikromethoden in der Proteinchemie, Martinsried, Germany, 2003

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NZYtech Catalog 2025

In detail you will find all products of NZYtech in 2025:

New Supreme NZY Reverse Transcriptase 1 kU/µL
Quality products for the life science research
Diverese portfolio for moleculare biology
Everything for DNA & RNA purification, Real Time and End-Point PCR and much more
Various enzymes for Glycobiology
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Electrophoresis by SERVA - Catalog

• Isoelectric Focusing


• 2D Electrophoresis

• Native Electrophoresis

• Western Blotting

• Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis

• Equipment

SERVA Electrophoresis Catalog (PDF)
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Certificates of Analysis
now online!

How to find the required certificate of analysis for your product:
In the search, enter the 5-digit article number without additional packaging, i.e. 11404 if you are looking for the AZ for your 500 g-Pack Agarose 11404.02.
Now click on the search result and you will be taken to the product entry. Here you will find the link "Certificate of Analysis", which you follow.
Now select the lot number from the list and download the PDF with a click. Done.

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Using the Quick Order field, you can add a product to your shopping cart with just one click. All you have to do: enter the Cat.No. as shown in our catalog in the format xxxxx.yy and click the Go!-Button.