DNA Standards
For size determination of DNA fragments in agarose gels you need size markers of high quality under the respect of fragment size and purity.
SERVA offers two types of DNA MW size markers:
SERVA DNA standard lyophilized
- Range covers traditional MW standards made by digestion of pUC19, pBR328 or phage λ DNA as well as 100 bp and 1 kb ladders for PCR fragment analysis
- High-quality fragment ends, lyophilized - can be resuspended in buffer of choice for labelling experiments, e.g. fill-in, 5’-end label
- Stable for at least 3 years (if stored at -20 °C), 1 x
1 ml sample buffer is included for easy and fast resuspension of the DNA
SERVA FastLoad DNA ladder
- Range covers ready-to-use, supplied in loading buffer DNA ladders for fragment ranges from 50 – 1500 bp, 100 – 3000 bp and 250 bp – 25 kb
- For estimation of DNA mass of bands of similar size with comparable intensity, the approximate mass of each band is indicated
- Stable for 6 months at 25 °C and for 12 months at 4 °C. For long term storage store at -20 °C