Tween® 20molecular biology grade

(Polysorbate 20, Polyoxyethylene sorbitan monolaureate)
Mr ca. 1200CAS [9005-64-5]

Tween® 20, Molecular Biology Grade, is a non-ionic surfactant from the Polysorbate family, specifically developed for demanding molecular biology applications. With no detectable DNase or RNase activity, this product is ideally suited for high-precision and specific molecular biology applications.

Various Applications of Tween® 20, Molecular Biology Grade:
  • Reaction mix for PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)
  • Reaction mix for RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription PCR) and cDNA synthesis
  • Component for blocking buffers in DNA sequencing and RNA analysis

    Benefits of Tween® 20, Molecular Biology Grade:
  • Highest Purity: Free from DNases and RNases to ensure nucleic acid integrity.
  • Optimal Performance: Enhances accuracy and reproducibility in molecular biology experiments.
  • Versatile Use: Ideal for all steps of nucleic acid processing, from amplification to analysis.


    max. 3.0 %
    not detected
    ca. 20, CMC (25 °C) 0,059 mM, HLB 16,7

    Tween® = registered trademark of CRODA International PLC

    EINECS: 500-018-3 (NLP)WGK: 1LHS: 34024200
    Storage Temperature: +15 °C to +30 °C

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