Dimethyl sulfoxideresearch grade

C2H6OSMr 78.1CAS [67-68-5]

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is a highly active solvent and pharmaceutical vehicle. In cell culture DMSO is used for freezing cells.
The solvent is as well applied in gradient centrifugation (1) and determination of cysteine and cystine in proteins (2).

d20 °C
Water (KF)
min. 99.0 %
min. 18.0 °C
max. 0.3 %

  1. Kelly, R.B. & Sinsheimer, R.L. (1967) J. Mol. Biol. 29, 229-36
  2. Spencer, R.L. & Wold, F. (1969) Anal. Biochem. 32, 185-90

EINECS: 200-664-3WGK: 1LHS: 29309095
Storage Temperature: +15 °C to +30 °C

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SERVA Catalog

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SERVA Catalog

In detail you will find the following new products in catalog 2022:

New glycosidases such as Endo F3, Endo S and Sialidase
Blotting kits to match the "Easy Peel" 2D HPE™ gels for blotting horizontal 2D gels
New protein standards, e.g. SERVA Triple Color Protein Standard I    and the SERVA Fluo-610 Protein Standard I, pre-stained for direct fluorescence detection
BlueVertical™ PRiME™ blot module and gel casting stand for SERVA's BV-104   electrophoresis  tank
he albumin portfolio has been expanded with the "Albumin bovine Fraction V, protease- free, low IgG"
Ready-to-use CL HRP Western Blotting Substrates SERVALight "PreMix"
SERVA Catalog 2023.pdf
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Electrophoresis b