SERVA HPE™ Lightning Red

(Fluorescence labelling)

Highly sensitive fluorescent dye for rapid labelling of proteins prior to 2D PAGE, making any staining and washing steps after electrophoresis unnecessary. In addition the dye is fully compatible with mass spectrometry and other downstream methods like Western Blotting.
The labelling procedure is simple and quick:
Typically use 80 pmol SERVA HPE™ Lightning Red for labelling of 1 µg protein. Incubate at 0 °C for 15 min. The labelled protein solution is directly applied to an IPG strip via cup- or rehydration loading.
After the 2D run, detection of labelled proteins is performed by fluorescent imager (camera or scanner) at an excitation wavelength of about 530 nm and emission filter of 610 nm with a narrow band width of 30 nm.
SERVA HPE™ Lightning Red is compatible with all additives typically used for sample solubilization and protein extraction, including carrier ampholytes and reductants.
Alkalescent conditions are sufficient, it is not required to titrate the pH to a defined value.

  • Direct detection
  • No staining and washing steps after the run
  • Very high sensitivity, < 100 pg protein / spot
  • Wide dynamic and linear range of >104
  • No over-staining effects
  • Fully MS and Western Blotting compatible

    The kit contains 250 µg SERVA HPE™ Lightning Red dye and DMSO.

    HS: 38229000
    Storage Temperature: +2 °C to +8 °C

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