SERVALight Vega CL HRP WB Substrate Kit

Highly sensitive enhanced chemiluminescence kit for the detection of immobilized proteins (Western Blot) or immobilized nucleic acids (Southern and Northern Blot) labelled directly with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) or indirectly with HRP-labelled antibodies/streptavidin. The substrate is readily prepared by mixing component A (luminol/enhancer solution) with component B (stabilized peroxide solution) in a one-to-one ratio.
0.1 ml substrate is sufficient for one cm2 membrane.

  • High sensitivity, mid picogram limit of detection
  • Directly compatible with protocols of standard ECL WB substrates of other vendors
  • Low background, high signal/noise ratio
  • Working solution is stable for minimum 5 days – reproducible results, less waste
  • Primary antibody dilution 1:100 -1:5000
  • Secondary antibody dilution 1:1000 – 1:15.000
  • Detection can be done by film or CCD imaging equipment

SERVALight is produced by Cyanagen Srl. Cyanagen Srl is subject of US and EU patent application number US7803573; EP1962095; US7855287; EP1950207, together with other equivalent granted patents and patent applications in other countries.

HS: 38229000
Storage Temperature: +2 °C to +8 °C

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SERVA Catalog

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SERVA Catalog

In detail you will find the following new products in catalog 2022:

New glycosidases such as Endo F3, Endo S and Sialidase
Blotting kits to match the "Easy Peel" 2D HPE™ gels for blotting horizontal 2D gels
New protein standards, e.g. SERVA Triple Color Protein Standard I    and the SERVA Fluo-610 Protein Standard I, pre-stained for direct fluorescence detection
BlueVertical™ PRiME™ blot module and gel casting stand for SERVA's BV-104   electrophoresis  tank
he albumin portfolio has been expanded with the "Albumin bovine Fraction V, protease- free, low IgG"
Ready-to-use CL HRP Western Blotting Substrates SERVALight "PreMix"
SERVA Catalog 2023.pdf
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Electrophoresis by SERVA - Catalog

• Isoelectric Focusing