BlueBlock PF (10x)for Blotting and ELISA
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Protein-free, polymer-based blocking reagent for fast blocking without loss of sensitivity in colorimetric, chemiluminescence and fluorescence detection systems. All-in-One protocol allows completion of procedure in only 1 - 2 h.
To achieve a good signal-to-noise ratio in blotting, ELISA or other
immunoassays , it is important to block nonspecific antibody binding sites.
Protein based blocking solutions like skim milk or BSA solutions may not only
block unspecific binding sites, but mask as well specific binding sites.
BlueBlock, the specific binding sites remain accessible while nonspecific
reactions are suppressed, thus leading to an increase in signal intensity.
HS: 38229000
Storage Temperature: +15 °C to +30 °C