SERVA Purple Protein Quantification Assay
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The assay bases on the eco-friendly fluorescent dye SERVA Purple. The dye
reversibly binds to lysine, arginine, and histidine residues in proteins and
peptides to yield an intensely red-fluorescent product
518 nm, ʎEm 610 nm). The assay exhibits very low protein
binding variation, leading to more accurate protein concentration values.
- Fast and simple - no heating and reduction steps, completed in 1 h
- Compatible with many detergents and reducing agents
- Accurate staining of glyco-, phospho-, hydrophobic proteins and peptides
- Single tube and 96- or 384-well-format for high-thoughput
- Detection limit of 100 ng/ml for peptides and 40 ng/ml for proteins
- Linear quantification over 3 orders of magnitude
- Compatible with downstream applications like 1D- and 2D-PAGE, MS, DIGE-labelling, HPLC
Carc. 1B • HS: 38229000
Storage Temperature: -15 °C to -25 °C