SERVA Unstained Protein Standard IV
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SERVA Unstained Protein Standard IV is designed for precise molecular weight
determination in SDS PAGE and verification of Western Blotting transfer
efficiency. The protein marker covers a broad molecular weight range from 10
to 200 kDa (12 bands, separation on a SDS Tris-Glycine gel). The 25 kDa and 85
kDa bands have double intensity for easy allocation of protein molecular
weights. It is provided in a ready-to-use formula and no heating, further
dilution or adding of reducing reagents is necessary before use.
marker is stable for up to two weeks at 25 °C and for up to 3 months at 4 °C.
loading volume for a mini gel is 5 µl/lane.
HS: 38229000
Storage Temperature: -15 °C to -25 °C