PBS-T Buffer (10X)sterile

10 x concentrated phosphate buffered salt solution with 0.5 % Tween 20, autoclaved.

PBS-T buffer is a widely used buffer in protein detection systems like Western Blot analysis, ELISAs and other enzyme assays, for immunocytological and immunohistological detection, in situ hybridization, apoptosis assays and staining of nuclei.

HS: 38229000
Storage Temperature: +15 °C to +30 °C

1 L
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SERVA Catalog

In detail you will find the following new products in catalog 2022:

New glycosidases such as Endo F3, Endo S and Sialidase
Blotting kits to match the "Easy Peel" 2D HPE™ gels fo