Non-detergent sulfobetaines are zwitterionic substances, which do not form micelles due to too short hydrophobic side chains even at high concentrations. NDSB-201 is used for solubilization of proteins for proteomic applications.
It prevents protein aggregation and non-specific interactions of proteins and facilitates the renaturation of chemically and thermally denatured proteins.
NDSB-201 has also successfully been used as catalyst for the chlormethylation of alkylbebzenes
Synonym: Non-Detergent Sufobetaine 201; PPS; 3-(1-Pyridino)-1-propane sulfonate; 1-(3-Sulfo-propyl)pyridinium betaine
CAS registry number: [15471-17-7]
Molecular formula: C8H11NO3S
Relative molecular mass (Mr): 201.2
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